Leslie's Pet Story
There’s not much that Tootsie (7) and Scrubs (6) don’t do with Leslie and Deirdre, who run their own event management company in Singapore.
“In our case, we’re self-employed”, said Leslie, “so they’re not only a constant companion at home, but they’re also a constant companion in the office.”
Unfortunately, Tootsie was diagnosed with skin cancer recently and has been undergoing immunotherapy at the Animal Recovery Veterinary Referral Centre.
Although it’s a hard time for anybody to go through, Leslie reveals how Tootsie also has a rare blood type, adding further complication.
Leslie explains, “[T]here’s a constant demand for her type of blood.”
As a result, they decided to help their community and other dogs who share the same blood type by signing Tootsie up as a regular blood donor.
“One of the reasons we’re comfortable with her being a donor here is that the vets know exactly how to do it right. One of things we like is that they don’t have to put the dog under. The other thing is they don’t have to shave. It means they know exactly how to do it safely and efficiently.”
As members of the Golden Retriever Club, the family love nothing more than spending days out with their friends at the beach, where Tootsie and Scrubs can let loose, or spending quality time on long walks where they can socialize with other dogs. Wherever they are, Leslie says that the dogs are a calming influence on their life.
“There’s nothing like having a dog come up to you with his face on your lap, looking up at you with goo-goo eyes when you’re stressed. That’s what makes them special.”